We have now been in a pandemic for a year and a half. And yet, protocols and standards are still constantly changing. You have been adapting and growing, while learning new ways to balance work and expectations. We always knew that adaptability and flexibility was important, but the pandemic truly gave us the opportunity to use those traits. Another key characteristic that has been important has been agility. Being agile can be a core trait for both employees and managers.

Here is what Kison Patel, at Forbes, says about how to make yourself more agile:

“1. Change your mindset to embrace change, and be receptive to transformation. Accept that you cannot control what is happening, but you can control your reaction to it.

2. Create an environment of collaboration. Start hosting weekly progress meetings (called stand-ups in Agile) where employees explain what they did, what they’re doing and what they’re going to do. This is also where you address any roadblocks preventing progress.

3. Place value on transparent communication. When your employees are all working remotely, important details can get lost in translation. By valuing honesty and transparency, you open the door to conversations that need to be had in order to get work done. The only real downside to Agile is the difficulty of getting people to embrace and adopt it. At its core, Agile is about being flexible, continuously improving and fostering a culture of collaboration. It is ideal to implement in an environment where priorities are either continually changing or competing with one another. Again, initial implementation all comes down to receptiveness to change.” (https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2020/04/13/using-agile-to-combat-uncertainty-and-chaos/?sh=12fd38cf1526)

Here are further reading and resources for you:



