Results of Our Work

Leadership Development that delivers…

“Christine Tetreault and Chris Sullivan are two outstanding human resources professionals that offer high-quality delivery and best practice content sessions. From the initial discussions they assessed our needs, tailored programs to our audience and provided feedback and assessment. Comprehensive evaluation reports are always provided at the conclusion of each session. They are well versed in our higher education work since both Chris and Christine have both worked in higher education. They addressed relevant topics that were timely, relevant and applicable to our employees and the customers that we serve.

LEAD delivered quality in-person and remote content to our employees. Their programs are always well planned, organized, and engaging. The session typically includes written and on-line materials, hands-on learning exercises, discussion groups and follow up reading or other assignments. Finally, let me say that the true testimony to their great work is the feedback from our employees. The sessions are consistently rated as excellent..” –Director of Talent Development, Bridgewater State University

“I learned that there is not one absolute standard for being a leader, and different people maintain unique leadership styles that can be adapted to suit particular situations. In a similar fashion, each situation will offer its own unique potential setbacks, which leaders then learn to overcome and turn to their advantage. Taking a real hard look inward at yourself, your values, and your competencies is truly the first step towards leadership. Relationship building is critical to leadership, but the relationship you have with yourself and knowing what your strengths and challenges are monumental.” –Participant of Mid-Level Leadership Series, 2020-2021

“The content, pace and credibility of the presenters are the program’s strength. I enjoyed the thought provoking and interactive activities. The program was informative and engaging, it forced us out of our comfort zones.” –Senior Analyst, Global Marketing and Technology Agency

“The EQi report helped me think about how I could leverage the strengths I have and gave me useful feedback about how to address the aspects that are not as strong for myself. The assessment is something I go back to over and over again.” –Instructional Designer at Framingham State University

“My key takeaway was the importance of really knowing who my key stakeholders are and the varying degrees with which I will have to work to make them valuable to my professional career.” –Participant of Mid-Level Leadership Series, 2020-2021

“In the LEAD Advisory Group program, input of like-minded peers gave me a fresh perspective on the career decision I was facing. They understood my reservations and motivations, and were able to guide my re-thinking of the issues at hand. It felt good to be able to offer the benefits of my own hard-earned experiences to other participants facing similar situations.” –Senior Scientific Systems Analyst and Group Leader, Biomedical Research Center

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do we connect with you?

A: We invite you to either fill out our Inquiry Form under “Connect with Us” or you are welcome to email us at

Q: What kinds of appointments do you offer?

A: We offer a free 20-30 minute discussion with us so that we can understand your needs and offer potential programs to you. Then, we have a variety of options depending if you’re looking for a service related to yourself or on behalf of a group/ organization.